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Wednesday, January 06 2021

"Change my heart oh God"


On December 19, I was on scrolling through Facebook and smiled as I landed on a post of a dad surrounded by his three boys sitting around their kitchen table, one who had finally come home after months away while serving in the Navy. According to the caption posted by the wife and the boys mother, it was the first time for a long time to be all together!

She added the words, “First family meal since 2017...year made.”

Only four days later I saw yet another post from the same mom, only this time she was asking for urgent prayers for an unspecified need!

Rather than posting to the public newsfeed I messaged her and asked her what I could pray for specifically. She quickly replied, "my husband had a terrific accident and they told us to expect and plan for the worse.”

So literally four days after one of the happiest days of the year this family was no longer gathered around the family table, instead circled around the bedside of a husband and dad facing imminent death.

What I have yet to share is this husband and dad is one of my former students who I had recently reconnected with the last two or three years.

As we turn the calendar from 2020 to 2021, this recent experience serves as a harsh reminder to me, the priceless gift of every day. We have no guarantee of tomorrow instead we must understand the urgency to prepare.

For this new year of 2021, the combination of my age (understanding my own fragile mortality), this current and ongoing global pandemic, and most recently the personal loss I’ve experienced of one of my students, has amplified the need to land on one word. #Prepare.

In this pursuit of preparation, I am determined to dedicate the 52 weeks of 2021 blogging to a single aspect of preparation as God lays them on my heart.

And, speaking of my heart, that seems to be the best place to start this initial week one focus. I am calling it “preparing your heart.”

The word “prepare” means “to establish, fix, prepare, or apply.” It conveys the idea of deliberate effort over a prolonged period of time.

I cannot tell you how often I hear people tell me after an experience, such as listening to a message at church, attending a conference, a podcast for the very first time, or trying something new; "I just didn’t get anything out of it."

I know that when I have walked away feeling like I have learned nothing or experienced anything positive, it is typically because I have not properly prepared my heart to receive.

Either we quickly become the critic with our participation or presence, sometimes becoming distracted from the moment, or simply think we know more than the messenger, deciding in our “already knowing” mind this has no application.

So the question I would ask in such circumstances like these is simply, what have you done to “prepare your heart?”

In 2021, if we are to get prepared, we may need to ask God to soften our hearts. To change our hearts. To prepare our hearts.

One of my favorite song lyrics is so simple to say, yet so hard to do.
If we are to be in position to make a deliberate effort to prepare ourselves and help others to as well, we must prepare our hearts.

Maybe this simple song, with an eternal path, can serve as your prayer today as you prepare this new year of 2021!

Change my heart oh God. Make it ever true, Change my heart oh God. May I be like You

You are the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me, this is what I pray

Change my heart oh God. Make it ever true/ Change my heart oh God. May I be like You

To God be the Glory.
Please pray for my former student's family as they prepare to heal their hearts this day.

DADs…“get in the game”…Today is game day…and so is every day…God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!

Posted by: Dr. Jeff Springer AT 05:15 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, March 18 2020

DADs…several months ago, I was watching a NASCAR race on TV. 
After numerous cautions throughout the race it looked like there would be a clear winner. 
One driver had what seemed to be a sure victory as he extended his lead over the other drivers in the final laps.
Suddenly on the final turn something happened, not slowing down the leader took the curve too wide and crashed into the wall allowing another driver to edge him out of the first-place finish.
DADs, how often have you been so close to a finish line in your life, a deadline at work, vacation plans for family, or great intentions to complete a task at home? But for some reason we find ourselves distracted and just like the NASCAR driver we take things a little too fast and causing us to fall short of the goal?
So DADs hear the good news!

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
The question is then, knowing that we will sometimes fall short of the finish will we have the humility to ask God to help us through today’s curves we may face? 

DADs…“get in the game”…
Today is game day…and so is every day…
God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 05:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 11 2020

DADs, do you know that no matter what position or row that you start from that you can still win the race in NASCAR?
I have become a huge NASCAR fan over the past few weeks and like all real NASCAR fans l have my favorite drivers. 
What I have learned very quickly is that although it is usually better to start the race closer to the front, starting position does not always determine how you finish!
And because it is a long race, leading many laps does not always mean victory either, because once again, it is a race of strategy and endurance.
If a driver can persevere he can not only finish in the top ten, he can actually win it from the back and take the checkered flag!
DADs, much like a NASCAR race, where we start in life or what our current life circumstances are does not have to define our final outcome!
James 1:25
"But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveresin it, 
and is not a forgetful hearer but a doerwho acts—this person will be blessed in what he does."
Life is not what happens to us, it is how we react to it!
Remember its not always how you start it's how you choose to finish! 
DADs, do not diminish the finish!

DADs…“get in the game”…
Today is game day…and so is every day…
God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 05:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 04 2020

I was watching a NASCAR race on TV and after 400 hundred miles one of the drivers that had the lead on the last lap ran out of gas on the final lap allowing another to pass him for the victory.
Now being a fairly new fan of racing I am still learning the strategies of the race. What I am finding out is that there are many adjustments to each drivers original start plan throughout the race.
Depending on how each driver handles different circumstances he or she encounters during a race will often determine the final outcome.  
Many times the drivers that are able to finish and even win are the ones that take heed to listen to the instructions they are given by their crew chief throughout the day.
Deuteronomy 7:12
"If you listento and are careful to keep these ordinances, the LORD 
your God will keep His covenant loyalty with you, as He swore to your fathers.
What is it your crew chief, your heavenly father, trying to tell you today?
Will you take heed, or will you run out of gas not able to finish the race?

DADs…“get in the game”…
Today is game day…and so is every day…
God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!


Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 05:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 26 2020

This week I am talking about the similarities of my new found obsession NASCAR and our life in general.
Just like in NASCAR we often find ourselves on the FAST track going around and around at high speeds trying to win the human race. To ensure that we are able to keep going so we don’t run out of gas we NEED to  listen to the advice of our "crew chief" and make a pit stop!
DADs, the problem is we are sometimes the NASCAR driver that fails to heed direction and reluctant to trust the advice of others and our personal "crew chief", our Heavenly Father.
DADs, to be in control of your race you must relinquish the wheel and allow God to be the real driver of our lives!        
Jeremiah 29:11:
"11For I know the plans I have for you "this is the LORD's declaration—
"plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
In all circumstances our God, our Heavenly Father knows best!"
DADs, where in your life do you need a pit stop to receive God’s plan for your race? 

DADs…“get in the game”…
Today is game day…and so is every day…
God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!



Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 05:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 19 2020

Recently I have caught the Nascar fever. For years I never understood the excitement of watching cars go around and around a track for 3 or 4 hours! But after giving Nascar a real chance I have discovered that there is a lot more to this racing thing than meets the eye.

For instance, what other sport begins with a chaplain saying a prayer to God and His son Jesus Christ aired live for all those watching on TV to hear? Talk about evangelism!

Now I am not endorsing, nor soliciting your support of Nascar but I am celebrating the fact that a major spectator event that occurs 36 weekends a year on National networks demonstrates its boldness and is not ashamed to give glory to our country’s Christian foundation and belief in Jesus.

  In Philippians 1:20 Paul says…

"My eager expectation and hope is that I will not be ashamed about anything, but that now as always, with all boldness,Christ will be highly honored in my body, whether by life or by death."

DADs, do not be ashamed, just like Nascar to show your boldnessfor Christ? Be eager to model your boldness for your kids and your family today!

DADs…“get in the game”…
Today is game day…and so is every day…
God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!


Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 05:06 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 12 2020

How many times have you set your sights on a goal only finding yourself falling short or missing the target?

How often have you prepared long & hard for a job interview only to receive a thanks but no thanks letter in the mail a week after the process?

How often has a loved one made a decision that caused heartache to you or your family?

Disappointment is a part of life. 

A friend once told me that in the good times or in the bad times the statement “this too shall pass” works in all situations. I don’t know about you, but I don’t really find much comfort in that but in Romans 8:28, I do find a more appropriate answer. Paul tells his disciples, “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.”

In the midst of disappointment or failures it is hard to see God’s purpose but we must find the faith in the storm that God’s will even in dark circumstances will be eventually revealed.

Remembering that Paul places emphasis on His purpose versus ours allows us to pick up the pieces and persevere as it is written in James 1:12, “blessed is the man who perseveres under trial; because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those that love Him”.

DADs, trials, disappointments, failures, we all go through them, but God does not want us to waiver regardless of our conditions. Instead God wants His DADs to continue to carry His banner and to be the men that love Him and always stand firm in Christ! 

DADs…“get in the game”…
Today is game day…and so is every day…
God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!


Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 05:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 05 2020

One of my all time favorite Christian Groups is 4HIM. One of my all time favorite songs that they sing is called the “Measure of a Man”.  

The chorus goes like this:
 "Oh, I say the measure of a man
Is not how tall you stand
How wealthy or intelligent you are
'Cause I've found out the measure of a man
God knows and understands
For He looks inside to the bottom of your heart
And what's in the heart defines the man…"
DADs...How is your heart condition today? 
How does your heart measure up to God’s standards?
Society tells us that the measure of the man is how the world judges us.
Society places us on the world scale.
God’s scale is much different. God measures us from the inside out!
Matthew 6:21- "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
DADs do not let the world measure you but let God be your judge. 
Do the things that leads to a heart condition that focuses on being the man 
God can fully use as His hands and feet. 
Be the DAD and the husband God praises. 
Be the man that has a heart for Jesus in all that you say and do!

DADs…“get in the game”…
Today is game day…and so is every day…
God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!


Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 05:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 29 2020

If you google obedience on the internet you will find many of the first 

page links deal with how to train your dog. You would have to look long and hard before you may run across an article that reflects a positive light on obedience as it pertains to our daily walk with Christ.

DADs, in this world to “obey” is not often the “norm” and sometimes has a connotation of weakness, and giving away our control to others. To obey goes against our instincts & inclinations.

To comply, submit or to be generally agreeable in the world that we work and live in communicates as a lack of strength or leadership.

But in truth DADs, to be obedient is to lead and will bring three basic benefits:  

Rescues us from self-destruction:

  • His will & not our will helps us see our sinful nature & instills in us a desire to not turn back…an “inward renovation”

Perseverance even in dire sufferings:

  • Focusing on Him & not our circumstances…we become enabled by His spirit. 

Aids in our interpersonal relationships:

  • When we focus on Him & what He has done for us we change from the inside out! 

This helps us recognize authority & direction from others! All three lead to Winning Situations!!

2 Chronicles 31:21: "He was diligent in every deed that he began in the service of God's temple, in the law and in the commandment, in order to seek his God, and he prospered."   

Are you ready to prosper?

Then DADs...start your obedience today!

DADs…“get in the game”…
Today is game day…and so is every day…
God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!


Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 22 2020

DADs…what do you say or do at work that communicates to your co-workers, bosses, customers, and others your obedience?  

Is your obedience at work only obvious in the “big” things or is your obedience apparent to others even in the day to day plans and activities? 

At what point during the day do you hand your day over to God? 

Is it in the disappointments of a failure or even in your successes?  

In 2 Chronicles 17& 18:Ezra writes about one of Judah’s Kings…King Jehoshaphat.    "The king’s strengths and accomplishments included that he was a bold follower of God and carried out a national program of religious education…"

2 Chronicles 17:3 & 4: "Now the LORD was with Jehoshaphat because he walked in the former ways of his father David. He did not seek the Baals but sought the God of his father and walked by His commands, not according to the practices of Israel."

But Ezra also wrote of Jehoshaphat’s lack of obedience in the little things that can often become the big things.

2 Chronicles 18:1: Ezra writes: "Now Jehoshaphat had riches and honor in abundance, and he made an alliance with Ahab through marriage."

Jehoshaphat allowed his son to marry the daughter of the wicked Ahab. Without asking God he made an alliance with Ahab and later got involved with Ahab’s son in a venture that was shipwrecked by God. 

DADs…God wants all of us…not just when the odds are clearly against us!

God wants to be in our business…even in the details.

DADs…while on the job…what are the ways you can ensure obedience in your work day for the future? 

How can you model obedience in all your words and deeds?

Next time…we will continue this conversation on obedience at work and look at how your position at work can be a mission field.
DADs…“get in the game”…
Today is game day…and so is every day…
God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up!

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email