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Wednesday, August 28 2019

For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
Hosea 6:6 

In Hosea 6, God rebukes their shallow attempt at piety. Their godliness was an empty form, a hollow shell. 

"For your goodness is as a morning cloud,  and as the early dew it goeth away" (Hos. 6:4). 

Clouds and dew soon disappear and evaporate. So had Israel's goodness. 
In place of lasting, inner character, they substituted perishing, outward burnt offerings. 

In effect, God said, "I wish mercy kindness, humanity, compassion rather than external elements such as burnt offerings." 

The mercy desired describes man's relationship to his fellow man. The knowledge demanded is man's relationship unto God.

So is it with your walk? 
Are you giving mercy or burnt offerings?
Do you display patience with others or shortness in your words?
Do you have a yearning and a real desire to know Him…or primarily symbolic gestures?

Are you turning to Him…or are you simply turned towards Him?

Where is your mercy?

DADs…TODAY...don’t be a “hollow shell” or a “morning cloud."

“Get in the game”…Today is game day… and so is every day…God gives you! 
So…C’mon men...
Suit Up!

To follow the “Suit Up” Movement…

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 06:58 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, August 21 2019

10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
Colossians 3:10

DADs...This verse picks up in the middle of a thought begun in verse 9, regarding Christians setting aside the "old self" of worldly, sinful behaviors.

In contrast with the "old self", the believer is a new creation “reMade” and should therefore “live" differently.

Paul adds that the "new self" is constantly “refreshed” through “knowledge" of the one who created it: Christ. 

“Knowledge" which comes from Christ is noted throughout Colossians as an important part of the Christian life.

9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
Colossians 1:9–10

DADs…are You growing in the knowledge of God TODAY?

DADs... take off your "old self"…
look to your "new self"
and be “remade” and “refreshed" 
through the knowledge of our Heavenly Father!
“Get in the game”…Today is game day…and so is every day…God gives you! So…C’mon men...
Suit Up!

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:20 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, August 14 2019

DADs…Just as Christ is "the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15):
15 "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation"
believers are being remade into the likeness of Jesus. 

Paul notes elsewhere that Christ is "the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4):
4 "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

Jesus is also fully involved in creation (Colossians 1:16): 
16 "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him."

The gospel of John 1:3 reveals: 
"All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” 

The believer is a new person increasingly designed to grow more like Christ, the one who created us.

DADs…a quick read…but deep meaning for YOU and for me!
Today and everyday we are reMADE through Christ!
Its time to Suit Up!

DADs…do not stand on the sidelines of life…get off the bench…“get in the game”…Today is game day…and so is every day…God gives you!
So…C’mon DADs…Suit Up!
To follow the “Suit Up” Movement…

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, August 07 2019
DADs...You have been reMade! (a 60 second read)
“Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; 
the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” 
(2 Corinthians 5:17). 
DADs...A really wonderful benefit of being 'in Christ” 
is that we are reMade as individuals and our 
“reMaking” can be evident in our many roles
as men, husbands, and DADs as well. 
We are still the same persons, 
but several changes 
have taken place, 
and will continue to do so. 
Every day as we grow in Christ we are 
reShaped and reMade!
When we have been baptized into Christ, 
Paul shares in Romans 6:3-4:
Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into 
Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4
 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death 
in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through 
the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
This passage also says that we rise-up 
from baptism with Christ to 'walk in newness of life.”
DADs…we will be talking about our reShaping and reMaking
leading up to our next DADU on the September 21st at Church Project
throughout this this month. 
DADs…allow yourself Today, to be reShaped
Acknowledge God’s hands in your life.
Remember that You have been reMade!
“Get in the game”…
Today is game day…
and so is every day…
God gives you! 
So…C’mon men...
Suit Up!
Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:07 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 31 2019

DADs…what are your struggles? 

Struggles come in all shapes and sizes - fears, addictions, persecution, and worries can all seem to take over our thoughts. God tells us that we will face trials, but that we should not lose hope! 
Be encouraged, God has called you an overcomer! 

This week let’s tackle the issue of struggles with those things causing fear. As a man and the DAD…there are probably countless fears we could list.

Fear of failure.
Fear of not measuring up.
Fear of tomorrow. 
To name a few...

Zig Ziegler once said, “FEAR” stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real.” is that "false evidence" in the battle fields of our minds that triggers our greatest fears, sometimes moving us one step forward and two steps back! 

It has also been said that “90% of what we worry about, causing us to struggle and leading to fear, never ever happens.”

In the middle of his darkness, David makes two bold statements followed by two questions found in Psalm 27:1:

1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?

DADs…if you are struggling with fear, and constantly finding yourself moving one step forward and two steps back…then perhaps like David, even in the midst of our greatest fears, we need to profess Today, that our heavenly Father is our salvation and our stronghold!

DADs...Be encouraged! God has called you an overcomer! Whom shall you fear? 

“Get in the game”…
Today is game day…
and so is every day…
God gives you! 
So…C’mon men...
Suit Up!

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:01 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 24 2019

2 Timothy 1:9 

9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, 
not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, 
which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began

DADs…when was the last time someone told you to stop working? I know, I know!  For many dads work is just what we do. Work may not always include manual labor or sweat, but nonetheless can be exhausting regardless of our focus. As men we have to be constantly moving and doing to achieve.

So I ask, achieve what? 
And for what? 
What are we doing? 
How much of the work are we doing daily could be deemed eternal?

Now being a dad is work TOO. 
Hard work. And yes…often times makes us sweat!
But guess what men?…Our kids down deep inside do not desire all the things we want to give them. In reality, all they really want is your attention, your time, and your love. 
Paul reminds Timothy, that we are in His fold, held close in His arms, NOT because of our works, but as DADs we have received a “holy calling”AND a “purpose” given unto us through Jesus Christ!

DADs…lets face it…work is what most of us do…work represents in most cases "who we are"…but DO NOT let it become the work detouring you 
from being the dad your kids need!

If your work outside of being the dad limits your time to practice actively being the dad, then its time to take an inventory, reflecting upon your priorities. 

DADs...stop working…or at least stop working so long. 

As Stephen Covey shares, “never allow what matters most…to be sacrificed for what matters least!

“Get in the game”…
Today is game day…
and so is every day…
God gives you! 
So…C’mon men...
Suit Up!

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:11 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 17 2019

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

Hebrews 12:14 NIV

DADs. Why are we so driven sometimes to the right? At work, at home and at play?

After all what does it truly mean to be right?

Why do we feel like we have to be right?

Why is it so important to be the one with the solution or answer?

The struggle to be right is exhausting. It takes away our peace and removes us from exemplifying Christ's love.

In Christ we don't have to know it all. We don't have to be right.

We are to be peace makers. And when we can give peace….we will get peace, opening the door for us to truly share and to be God's love.

One of my favorite things to do at church is to exchange the words "peace be with you” with others during the Sunday morning service.

What if we did more than just exchange words… but lived peace everyday?

To God be the glory!

Peace be with you!


“Get in the game”…

Today is game day…

and so is every day…

God gives you! 

So…C’mon men...

Suit Up!

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 10 2019

there is no better time like the 
fourth of July 
to reflect upon the 
countless opportunities 
we are gifted in this country everyday!  

Opportunities presented because of the men and women 
who have gone before us 
and continue even as you read this…
fighting all over this world...protecting our freedoms.

In our freedoms...are many blessings God has given each of us…
often bringing personal success along the way. 
In our success however 
we can get lost in the moment.

As I sit and reflect this day…
I am reminded of the countless times 
I have missed the mark 
especially in the midst of achievement…
by giving glory to all others and forgetting 
the one who created it all. 

Too often I have celebrated 
my good fortune…
accepted and taken the recognition…
stood in the limelight, 
but failing to pause
and to give Glory to God.

In my receiving...I often forget to give. 
In the moment I forget to redirect 
the attention I receive from others…
in essence denying the credit 
our Heavenly Father so deserves 
and those around us need to hear!

As Paul exhorts in Philippians 2:11:
"and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, 
to the glory of God the Father"

DADs…in the victories of today…
and even in our defeats along the way…
seize the platform God has given you…
and welcome each opportunity saying 
"to God be the glory” 
leaving no doubt 
whose glory you wave!

“get in the game”…
Today is game day…
and so is every day…
God gives you! So…
C’mon men…
Suit Up!

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 08:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 27 2019

There is nothing like the rush of finishing a race and cooling down after a great run. 

Maybe I like cooling down because it means that I am done with my workout…but I think more than anything else…it represents accomplishment.
When I am in the cooling down phase of a run or work out I find myself reflecting on the work out itself and it never fails the harder the workout the better the feeling!
What I have found is that the feeling of accomplishment carries over into other parts of my life. 

Finishing strong in purposeful tasks helps me be a better friend, husband, and dad. Physically working out helps me see the blessings of each day.
Even beyond a physical work out is the importance of your spiritual fitness. Reaching the cooling down phase with God may represent a mountain top or life changing experience, or simply persevering through a challenging day. It is following these times the “cooling down" in the spiritual sense is the time to bow down and give thanks to God for the blessings of the day. 
Romans 14:11
For it is written: As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to Me, and every tongue will give praise to God.
At the end of every day, or upon reaching a milestone find time to pause & let your gratitude be known in the cooling down times of your day Acknowledge your Lord and Savior. 

When was the last time you found time to cool down and give praises to God?

On this July 4th, typically one of the hottest days of the year, find time to "cool down" in all aspects of your life!

To God be the glory!
“Get in the game”…Today is game day…and so is every day…God gives you! So…
C’mon men…
Suit Up!
To follow the “Suit Up” Movement…

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, June 26 2019

DADs, experts say, when preparing to run it is always important to warm up after you stretch. 
The problem I sometimes have with warming up prior to running is that it makes me tired before I really get started in my work out! 
But if I fail to warm up…then I increase the chance of injury that I otherwise could avoid.
Warming up is also essential with our walk with God as well. The warming up phase of our spiritual workout with God could be reading scripture, prayer or meditation...enabling your mind and heart to get ready and to fully receive...His message as you gain speed while getting into the word.

As it says in 1 Peter 1:13:
"Therefore, preparing your minds for action, 
and being sober-minded, 
set your hope fully on the grace that will be 
brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

It is in our preparation we are able to ready ourselves to not only receive God’s message into our hearts, but to also put into “practice” by enabling us to say as it is written in 
Psalm 19:14:  
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation 
of my heart be acceptable to You, LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.”

DADs, consider today where in your daily walk could you add a little more warm up, strengthening your preparation to receive His word and to do His will?

To God be the glory!


Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:03 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email